what to expect

I hope that our website gives you a good glimpse of who we are, but I also hope you come experience life with us in person. If you visit on a Sunday morning, here’s what you can expect:

  • We’re serious about God and the Bible, but we’ve learned not to take ourselves too seriously - which means we're a forgiving family of “imperfect-but-in-process" people.
  • We’re genuinely excited about following Jesus, which makes for some energized worship, passion for serving our community, and genuine love for people from every walk of life.
  • We're pretty relaxed and informal, so you can feel relaxed and know you will be welcomed and accepted.

Current Sunday Service Info

We have one service at 10am with Sunday School for Nursery through Middle School age.  The Upper Elementary join the adults for worship and then are excused for class.  The 3rd Sunday of every month is Family Sunday where All the kids stay in the service and worship with us and then go to Sunday School after.